Working week – first week of February in bullet points By Nic Price on 11 February 2020 — 1 min read Last week’s notes (a little late, but here they are): The first week of February saw the start of a new discovery under the Future Farming and Countryside Programme umbrella. Despite my and other people’s efforts to avoid it, it did feel like jumping from one moving train to another. A weekend isn’t long enough to... More
Maintenance mode (while getting back up and blogging) By Nic Price on 17 January 2020 — 1 min read Tap tap. Is this thing on? It seems to be. As I remember reasons to blog, I also remember I still haven’t found or fixed a couple things: One is a way to share a few bookmarks with my own added comments and tags – like we once did with Delicious. Simon suggested Dan Hon... More