links for 2011-01-12 A List Apart: Articles: Responsive Web Design How to use media query in CSS to optimise design across different devices and screen sizes. (tags: web design development fluid responsive) Less Framework 3 (tags: webdesign webdevelopment layout lessismore less framework html css) More
links for 2011-01-06 23 Free, Web-Based Tools SMBs Are Asking for Now (tags: productivity smallbusiness tools) More
links for 2010-12-18 Adobe Design Center – Columns and articles from experts on web design and motion graphics (tags: design) delicious blog » What’s Next for Delicious? (tags: delicious blog bookmarks Yahoo!) More
links for 2010-12-13 Giraffe Forum » We manage what we can EASILY measure Gerry McGovern on the Cult of Volume. HITS stands for "how idiots track success" (tags: metrics web management hits) More
links for 2010-12-09 South Bank show – eye | feature Article on the lettering on the side of the Royal Festival Hall, which went sans-serif on the river-facing side in the 1960s. The lettering on the south-facing side of the building remains in sloping slab Egyptian serif. (tags: rfh sbc southbank London signs signage lettering typogrpahy) Signs at... More
links for 2010-12-08 Adding Bookmarklets on iPad and iPhone (tags: bookmarks iphone iPad) HOW TO: Define a Social Media Strategy for Enterprise (tags: socialmedia) More
links for 2010-12-07 Mapumental Use sliders to show where you could live based on commute time, house price and "scenicness" – for starters. (tags: maps mysociety houseprices scenicness) DxF2009, Utrecht: "All the time in the world" Matt Jones talk about time (tags: mattjones time design) We Watch. Find out what your friends are watching tonight. Interesting looking shared... More
The web – integration not destination If we really want to help people connect with each other, get stuff done, solve problems and make things, then the web is not the destination. We need to work harder to integrate the web in to people’s lives, when and how they want and need it. The web can be the fabric. It can be... More
Find, Understand, Share, Extend Today is World Usability Day. The theme this year is communication. I’ve chosen to write about something which I find helps teams I work with communicate and explore what we design and put on the web. Back in 2005, Yahoo! Search announced a “vision statement”. Enable people to find, use, share and expand all human knowledge. Somewhat ambitious, sure. A little... More