links for 2007-09-30 10 More Future Web Trends Another list (tags: future web trends lists readwriteweb viastephendownes) More
links for 2007-09-26 Grid Layout The Grid Layout Javascript enables web-developers to stick to a Grid Layout quickly and simply by including the Grid Layouts Javascript file and simple XHTML code. (tags: webdesign webdev gridlayout css xhtml javascript) ISO 14000 – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia “The ISO 14000 environmental management standards exist to help organizations minimize how their... More
Automatic accents Do you have a lift at work? Does it have a male or female voice? Who decided that? Does a lift in Belfast have a different accent to a lift in Manchester, Falmouth or Glasgow? Should the automated announcements on trains change accent depending on which part of the country you’re in? More
Moving house, virtually When you move house and send your change of address cards out, you probably only put your new address on the cards and not your old one. And if people want to send you a “Happy New Home” card they’ll need to copy down your new address on to an envelope. But when people change... More
links for 2007-09-13 East Dulwich – SE22 / Southwark / London / England / Bars, Pubs & Clubs / Search is a London pub review site with a difference. The aim of the Last Rounds Project is to promote safe and sensible drinking by encouraging forward planning of your time out. (tags: SE22 eastdulwich eatinganddrinking pubs bars) More
Workshop links Today I attended a very informative workshop run by Tira Shubart and Jasmine Birtles. Below are a few links to some of the websites that were discussed: Business cards: gapingvoid: “cartoons drawn on the back of business cards” MOO (you can use your Flickr photographs on your cards) Financial advice: Jasmine’s website Quickly set... More
links for 2007-09-06 SharePoint – Accessibility – MSDN Forums Worth keeping an eye on as Sharepoint moves *gradually* closer to meeting basic accessibility good practice and requirements. (tags: accessibility usability microsoft sharepoint moss moss2007) More
People thinking image search An image search for “People Thinking” on Google comes up with some quite strange stuff… More