Blurry Fondle Blurry Fondle – Originally uploaded by Beatnic Try typing Doodle in to your phone. Mine says Fondle. More
Blog Readability Test I’ve just been having a bit of fun with this… The Blog Readability Test. What level of education is required to understand your blog? – as seen on David Cushman’s site. Apparently you require a “high school” education to read this blog. I haven’t dug around to see what, if any, algorithm is being used... More
links for 2007-11-07 Londonist: Free Wifi in London…Mapped Handy list. “We ARE still updating the map, so keep your comments coming. Remember, we’re only mapping free and legal hotspots – i.e. cafes, bars, restaurants and other establishments offering free services to customers.” (tags: wifi London free hotspots map cafes internet eatinganddrinking) Facebook Ads – do they have a... More
Social networking – worth the wait? Two things struck me when reading this article about Google’s Orkut being bigger than Facebook in India and Brazil. First, that people are prepared to wait up to five minutes for a page to load. Orkut – 1.5 minutes Facebook – 2.5 minutes Myspace – 5 minutes You can quickly see why Orkut is favoured... More
links for 2007-11-05 – Home (tags: elearning uk schools learning platform) More
links for 2007-11-04 BBC NEWS | Technology | The day the music died (tags: internet law worrying copyright) More
links for 2007-11-02 Top 100 British newspaper feeds in Google Reader – currybetdotnet – 2 November, 2007 Martin Belam charts the most subscribed newspaper feeds acccording to google reader. (tags: martinbelam newspapers uk lists googlereader) More
What would your txt msg templates be? These are the text message (SMS) templates that came with my phone: I am late. I will be there at I’m at home. Please call I’m at work. Please call I’m in a meeting, call me later at I will be arriving at Meeting is cancelled. Please call See you at See you in Sorry,... More
So… going forward I’ve noticed two expressions being used more and more these days, mostly in a work context. First, the use of the word “So” to begin an answer to a question. This seems particularly rife amongst presenters on the conference circuit. Often it seems to be used to acknowledge a question and the questioner as if... More
Google’s OpenSocial launches Google says “the web is better when it’s social” so it must be true. OpenSocial from Google. Not another social network. Is this a nail in Facebook’s coffin? It’s funny, I’ve become so accustomed to consciously ingnoring google ads on web pages that the little box promoting the opensocial blog on the homepage nearly escaped... More