links for 2008-01-06 / Your money / Your tax – On yer (tax-free) bike (tags: cycling tax work More
links for 2008-01-05 BBC NEWS | Education | The curse of the meddling parent Agents, Bankers, White Knights, Bodyguards and Black Hawks… (tags: life parenting bbcnews) Mindfulness – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia “a technique in which a person becomes intentionally aware of their thoughts and actions in the present moment, non-judgmentally.” (tags: mindfulness wikipedia) More
Following mentions of “intranet” on twitter As mentioned in a previous post, you can ask twitter to text message or instant message you whenever any term you’re interested in is mentioned in a tweet. As well as tracking East Dulwich, I’ve been tracking a few others including “intranet” It makes for some pretty interesting reading but was hard to share online... More
links for 2008-01-04 meandmybicycle A social network for cyclists and their bicycles built using ning. (tags: ning socialnetwork cycling meandmybicycle) More
Essential intranet reading Are you involved in intranet (in its broadest possible definition) content, design, management, publishing, thinking, consultancy, evaluation or strategy? What’s on your reading list? I’ll kick off with my blog subscriptions tagged “intranet” in google reader (view posts/subscribe to this list): Column Two – James Robertson in Australia, who is also behind the Intranet Innovation... More
links for 2008-01-02 East Dulwich – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (tags: se22 London eastdulwich dulwich wikipedia) How Did I Get Here: Gerry McGovern – Web Guru (tags: intranet tasks gerrymcgovern video) Open Source Alternative – Find Open Source Alternatives to commercial software (tags: opensource software downloads) More
links for 2007-12-31 BBC NEWS | World | Americas | Twins reunited, after 35 years apart To separate at birth… right or wrong? Interesting ethical dilemma to kick off the new year. “They share an easy intimacy that belies the fact that identical twins Elyse Schein and Paula Bernstein spent their first 35 years in total ignorance of... More
Mark all as read: momentary headspace A week offline (well just about anyway) and google reader is telling me I have over 3000 unread items… So I have just hit the “Mark all as read” button. For a brief moment, my google reader is empty. I can’t remember the last time it was empty. I wonder what I’ve missed. Using a... More
Twitter free I’m back online after a week of photosynthesis and I find Twitter is down for quite a while for maintenance. I wonder if this means people are actually having to talk to each other. In very short sentences. More